Welcome to the first post of Cosimo!

My company still gives us paper checks so that means I have to stop at the bank. On this particular Friday, the 30th of November, the air was quite cool and brisk you see I live in a small town called media and usually like to walk to the market, the bar, or the bank. As I left the bank this chilly dark fall evening I passed an old Church whose old bell rang out of its Tower as if to awaken my senses. At that instant I smelled wood burning most likely out of someone’s fireplace: my mind pictured a warmly lit living room. I seem to be startled by a sudden but unthreatening barking of a dog, again I felt the wave of heightened awareness, it was pleasantly startling it made me feel more alive than I’ve felt all week… I need to get back out in nature more.

Continuing the story from yesterday’s walk… I rounded the corner and headed to my apartment. Sounds, smells, and The Sensation of taste was now coming alive. Just the thought of Bertolli chicken parm was making me salivate, yet I hadn’t even open my apartment door. Thank God for Bartoli Frozen bag meals 6 bucks and in about 8 minutes you have a delicious meal for two – I enjoyed every bite. After dinner I relaxed and decided to stay in and get a good night’s sleep. I really like sleeping my dreams take me to other worlds other times. I especially like crossing over at that moment when you know you’re not awake you can’t physically move your body, but your mind knows it still has a little control of your thoughts, at least for a few moments or so it seems…. Okay now he’s asleep… this is a great time for me to introduce myself my name is Cosimo Little Richie chicken legs Marino’s Alter Ego if that’s what you want to think of me as. I’m the one with balls but I’m much much more than that. I need to stay under the radar I don’t want to freak anyone out think of me as the GateKeeper of conscious thought one of the five realms yes I can heightened awareness in you… I keep the monsters under the bed… I don’t allow thoughts to manifest not just Richie’s everyone’s thoughts throughout the ages. He is my vessel at this time but I am inside everyone’s head that’s my job to keep order to this universe so that you beings can evolve. I’m thought energy I’m a badass I got the coconuts and I proudly bang them off every chance I get… Except Little Richie doesn’t always share my enthusiasm I am the kind of “guy”, in this time, you love to hate; and hate to love, but I do I love this jackass whose body I call home…

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